Thank you for attending Self-Defined: Our Self Image on Our Own Terms,” a United Nations 65th Annual Commission on the Status of Women virtual parallel event, taking place on Thursday, March 18, 2021, at 12:30pm-2:30pm EST. The program will include a live screening of “The Illusionists” followed by a discussion with a panel of experts. Until the time of the screening, you can watch the trailer for the film below:


This virtual film screening and Q&A panel is taking place as a parallel event at the United Nation’s 65th Annual Commission on the Status of Women. The panel will broadly address how the objectification of women in the media is inextricably linked to women’s disempowerment and how women and girls can be game changers and become more empowered to control their own body image choices, reflecting strength and freedom from exploitation.


Elena Rossini, Italian filmmaker, photographer, producer and editor. Rossini’s work focuses on issues of social justice, media representation and the empowerment of women and girls. Her most recent film is the critically acclaimed documentary – The Illusionists, about the globalization of beauty ideals.

Ian Harkin, CEO of Lottie Dolls, a collectible diverse range of premium quality small dolls that are designed to look like children rather than adults. Lottie champions the importance of childhood and the fact that children’s voices should be heard.

Dr. Ruchi Anand, An Indian-born Full Professor at the American Graduate School in Paris, author and Associate Editor for Environmental Justice who has appeared in several documentaries with a prominent appearance in The Illusionists.

Susie Orbach, A psychotherapist, psychoanalyst and writer who is an activist and founder member of

Althea Garvey, Esq., Founder of, an e-commerce retail toy business focusing on positive images in play for Black, Brown and Multicultural children. She also founded the Culture Corner Network airing on Comcast and Roku internationally.

As this is a UN parallel event, all interested must please register to attend through the NGO CSW system. This is a 2-step process. Click here to begin the free registration process, choose “advocate” as your attendance status, and then wait for an e-mail from NGO CSW/NY to complete your profile. Once you have completed your profile, you can register for this full program, “Self-Defined: Our Self Image on Our Own Terms“.