Media Education Foundation’s comprehensive discussion guides are designed to help teachers and students engage the issues raised by MEF videos. Free and available for most videos, MEF discussion guides feature video section summaries, key points, discussion questions, writing and research exercises, and additional resources and internet links. If citing from a discussion guide, please acknowledge the authors. These discussion guides may be printed, copied, and distributed for educational, nonprofit uses. For permission for any other type of use, please contact us.
A - C
Advertising and the End of the World
Asking For It
Beauty Mark
Behind the Screens
Beyond Good & Evil
Big Bucks, Big Pharma
The Billionaires’ Tea Party
Blind Spot
Blood and Oil
The Bro Code
Broken Trust
The Bystander Moment
Capitalism Hits the Fan
Captive Audience
Class Dismissed
The Codes of Gender
Constructing Public Opinion
Consuming Kids
D - F
G - I
Game Over
Generation M
George Gerbner: The Crisis of the Cultural Environment
George Gerbner: The Electronic Storyteller
George Gerbner: The Killing Screens
Girls: Moving Beyond Myth
The Gloucester 18
The Great White Hoax
Hijacking Catastrophe
Hip-Hop: Beyond Beats & Rhymes
Independent Media in A Time of War