We are delighted to announce that Media Education Foundation has partnered with theIPregistry.org to make the process of checking, monitoring and updating the IP addresses used to authenticate access to content easier for institutional subscribers. The IP Registry allows libraries to manage their IP addresses and broadcast changes to multiple publishers, including the Media Education Foundation, from a secure, central location with just one click.
If you have not already done so, the first step is to register for free at theIPregistry.org and confirm the IPs currently registered to your institution. Click here for instructions to walk you step-by-step through the process.
To submit IP address updates to MEF, you need to do so via theIPregistry.org. To communicate any IP address updates, simply log in to your account at theIPregistry.org and add or delete the relevant IP address(es). The updates will be checked and verified before they are updated on our publishing platform, and you’ll get an immediate error message from theIPregistry.org if you try to enter an IP address that corresponds to the wrong country or is already registered to another institution. Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to add or delete an IP address or range. Once approved, all IP address updates are automatically received via API and updated in our authentication system.
If you have any questions or need further information, feel free to contact [email protected].